Thursday, September 25, 2008

This conversation is going in the right direction, No?

Typical afternoon conversation between myself and couple female co-workers. See if you can follow along.

* It started with J talking about her husband's inability to wear pants.

* Which segued into a discussion about whether or not we, as woman, see our significant others differently while suffering from PMS.

* Which segued into a discussion about anger...

* then angry sex...

* then drunk sex...

* then whiskey dick...

* to anal...

* and finally giardia.

The best part was when TP (of the male persuasion) waked in right in time for the segue from drunk sex to whiskey dick. He quickly settled in for the rest of the conversation - but said nothing.

Ask me about our conversations about threesomes. That show Swingtown has our heads spinning!


Momo Fali said...

So, they let you drink on the job? I kid, but wow! You all feel real comfortable with each other, no?

Anonymous said...

OK, I followed you over here from your comment on Momo Fali's blog.

LOVED Eddie and the Cruisers!

Nearly pee'd my pants reading this post.

I work from home. I miss having co-workers around me. Our conversations back in the day always took a serious turn for the dirty.

Added you to my reader!